October 24, 2007

Mark Gutshall, LandStudies, Inc., talks about the water quality problems related to legacy sediments and the multiple benefits of floodplain restoration-- sediment and nutrient reduction, reducing flood and stormwater damage, wildlife habitat, groundwater recharge and carbon sequestration.
For more information, pick up a copy of LandStudies' Floodplain Restoration Booklet.
And follow these other links--
Documenting Stream Channel Erosion, A Bigger Problems Than Originally Thought
Reducing Pollution in the Chesapeake Bay Through Floodplain Restoration
Critical Aquifer Recharge Benefits of Floodplain Restoration
Floodplain Restoration Improves Water Quality

October 16, 2007

Kathy Greely, Commonwealth Community Energy Program, talks about the importance of home energy conservation at the Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance press conference.
CCEP is a project of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
Other presenters included:
Liz Robinson, Energy Coordinating Agency, on KEEA proposals
Rep. Chris Ross on his energy conservation legislation

Rep. Chris Ross (R-Chester) on proposed energy conservation legislation at the Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance press conference.
Other presenters included:
Liz Robinson, Energy Coordinating Agency, on KEEA proposals
Kathy Greely, Commonwealth Community Energy Program, PEC

Liz Robinson Outlines Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance proposals to promote energy conservation.
Robinson represents the Energy Coordinating Agency of Philadelphia.
Other presenters included:
Rep. Chris Ross on his energy conservation legislation
Kathy Greely, Commonwealth Community Energy Program, PEC

October 9, 2007

Spring Creek Restoration. Bob Pennell, Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited describes the restoration projects the Chapter sponsored in the Spring Creek Watershed, Dauphin County.
Over the last four years a watershed assessment and three projects later have begun the restoration effort in a one mile section of the creek.

October 4, 2007

Gov. Ed Rendell, former Gov. Mark Schweiker, Joseph Sbaffoni, DEP Director of Deep Mine Safety and Rep. Bob Bastian, sponsor of the legislation, at the bill signing ceremony for the Mine Families First Act prompted by the July 2002 Quecreek Mine Rescue in Somerset County.