November 12, 2006

Rausch Creek Diversion Well Project

Every week for nearly 20 years, members of the Doc Fritchey Chapter of Trout Unlimited in Dauphin and Lebanon counties have been adding limestone to two diversion wells treating mine drainage entering Rausch Creek, a tributary to Stony Creek in Lebanon County.

And their work has paid off. In recent years they have seen streambred brook and brown trout in the stream where before even stocked trout didn't survive long.

Partners in the project include Pennsy Supply who donates the limestone and Reigel Trucking from Annville that delivers the limestone.

David Hess, Editor of PA Environmental Digest, went along with the "Diversion Well Gang" one Sunday to see how these dedicated volunteers keep our streams healthy. (And yes, it was raining!)

This was also the first diversion well project to treat acid mine drainage in the United States.

Today's Diversion Well Gang was: Larry Westhafer (co-chair of the Diversion Well Project), Steve Long, Gerry Miller, Chuck Hill, Dennis Coffman and Bob Pennell. Donald Thomas is the other co-chair for this project.

For more information on the Doc Fritchey Chapter of Trout Unlimited, visit:

November 12, 2006